You Can Do It...!

The question is - what is the best way to get there....?


We cannot teach you to become an entrepreneur unless it is already in you. But if you already carry the seed of entrepreneurship inside, with some support we can see that turn into a force of action. Some statistics say about 8-12% of the worlds population are entrepreneurs. Around 25% of them are between the age 15-30. That would mean around 200 million people. Since you have looked up this website most likely you're one of them! Keep on reading...


If you join our Academy, we will go through all the ins and outs of entrepreneurship in 3 months, 2 evenings per week. You will learn the mindset of an entrepreneur, refine your skillset, learn to recognize opportunities, and build business models to capture them. You will also learn how to solve societal problems in a sustainable way through entrepreneurship.


Right after the Academy the Incubator starts. You will build your network, shape your marketing plan, plan your strategy, get help to find a startup loan and be ready to hit the ground running. Besides itzinya's mentors, you will be connected with mentors from the same industry locally and internationally. We don't just want to see you start, we follow you along the way. And as you grow there is more training coming up.


Now it is time to try your wings and fly on your own. Even after the incubator year the business mentors will be on hand for support. You will also be invited to events for special seminars, networking with other both local and international businesses and expand your network. This is your chance to make reality of that dream. Don't wait, read about the business idea competition and apply!

You can do it - cause itzinya!

How can I be part of the Startup Academy?

It's simple! Just tell us what it is that you want to do and share your passion about it...

It is a very good first exercise to write down your idea with broad strokes and focus on why you want to make this happen. Your motivation will be very important for you as you start to examine your idea in the Academy, testing it with different tools and changing the way you go about it as you learn more about the market. That is why we decided to turn that first step into a Business Idea Competition. Now, if your idea is good and sound possible to accomplish, you might win a seat in the 3 months Academy for free! 

itzinya academy